Put some color on your feet.

    The #lotsofsocks campaign

     World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is marked each year on March 21, beginning in 2006. The 21st day of March (the 3rd month of the year) was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which cause down syndrome Every year on March 21, World Down Syndrome Day is observed to create awareness about Down syndrome. It is a condition in which a child is born with an extra 21st chromosome.

    We want to get the world talking about World Down Syndrome Day! How can you help? media.  By wearing lots of socks that are going to get noticed.  But not just any sock. they might be mismatched socks or your craziest and most colorful and bright socks, long socks, printed socks one sock, even three socks for three chromosomes whatever takes your fancy!

    Get your friends, class mates and colleagues to join in too! If you're at home you can connect via social media. If you do not normally wear socks, wear them! Wear them at home, nursery, school, college, university, work, play, travel, on holiday, wherever you are on 21 March!
